Join the Comms Surveillance Deep Dive & Annual Report
The 2023 fines and continued intense regulatory scrutiny have forced banks to review their strategy in the communications surveillance space. But what else is needed to meet the evolving expectations from the regulators? The struggle remains real in ensuring the channels demanded by the business are incorporated into their recording and monitoring solutions, and alongside this, policy and procedures need to be continuously reviewed. Looking towards investment in technology, budgets for communications surveillance are reflecting the necessity to avoid the regulators glare. Where and how should banks be investing in surveillance technology? Is AI the answer and how can it be best used to increase efficiencies?

Join us at the Comms Surveillance Deep Dive & Annual Report and address the challenges and complexities inherent in modern communications surveillance, with a focus on regulatory compliance, technological advancements, data capture, and coverage strategies.

What to Expect

  • Engage with your direct peers globally to exchange insights and experiences in communications surveillance
  • Engaging debates and discussions on evolving regulatory landscapes and technological advancements in comms surveillance
  • Insights from industry experts and thought leaders on best practices for meeting regulatory expectations and optimising surveillance programmes
  • Exploration of challenges and opportunities in utilising AI, NLP, and other advanced  technologies for improved surveillance efficiency and accuracy
  • Practical strategies for proactively addressing compliance gaps, capturing diverse communication channels, and enhancing data completeness
  • Guidance on resource allocation, prioritisation, and decision-making regarding the scope and coverage of surveillance programmes


Sessions where four or five Managing Director-level practitioners discuss and debate a particular topic or issue. Panel debates are a great way to explore complex topics and get multiple perspectives on a subject.

  • Managing the Scope and Complexity of Communication Surveillance
  • Breaking Language Barriers: Surveillance in a Multilingual World
  • The Technology Revolution: Transforming Surveillance Efficiency
  • The Future of Holistic Surveillance: Integration or Illusion?

Roundtable Discussions

Private, off the record roundtables are moderated by leading practitioners in the field of culture and conduct and are designed to promote dialogue and collaboration among the attendees.

  • Keeping it in context:  The Capture of Emojis and Slang
  • Voice Surveillance: Keeping it Real
  • Language Coverage and Identification
  • Voice to Text Transcription
  • Ensuring Effective Calibration of Surveillance
  • Surveillance of Social Media
Comms Surveillance Report 2024
The US Securities and Exchange Commission set the scene at the Communications Surveillance Deep Dive by reflecting on enforcement actions taken across the securities industry last year as well as their upcoming priorities.

Who Should Attend

Managing Directors, Directors, and Head of Functions from Banks, Asset Managers and other Financial Institutions working within:

Surveillance / Compliance Surveillance / Compliance / Regulatory Compliance / Surveillance Monitoring / Compliance Technology / Market Surveillance / Communications Surveillance / Voice Surveillance / E-Comms Surveillance / Internal Audit / CRO and Operational Risk / Risk Technology / 1st Line Control / Chief Control Office

How the Deep Dives and Annual Reports work


Deep Dives offer virtual interaction through an intra-delegate messaging system, opportunities to pose questions to speakers in real time, and interactive roundtable discussions.

Chatham House Rule applies, creating a safe environment for a free discussion and no press attend.
1LoD reports

Annual Report

Deep Dives are 1LoD's annual update on a non-financial risk function or topic. Content is presented in a 6- or 8-page report which summarises 4 hours of debate between 16 practitioners at Managing Director level who are leaders for their functions, often joined by the relevant regulators


Private, off the record roundtables are moderated by 1LoD, and attended by delegates from financial institutions who have booked their place in advance. They take place on Zoom. Delegates are sent discussion topics, and an overall structure of the debate in advance to assist the flow of the discussion.
Interactive Roundtables
Join the Conversation

Why sponsor the Annual Report?

Deep Dives provide the industry with an annual update on the latest trends and thinking on the function or topic in focus. They:

• Generate Demand
• Gather Intelligence
• Raise Your Profile
• Create Content

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